Monday, July 21, 2008

Animated Stories for Littlies

My Year 10 ICT class ended their two-term course by creating animated stories, aimed at beginner-readers (4 - 7 years). They have created interesting, interactive stories that can be used by little people without assistance from adults. Below is a selection of their stories - because of the interactive features, they need to be downloaded to your own computer.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

End of Term 2 Already!

Time to say goodbye to another lovely group of year 9 students - I hate losing them, but I do get to meet a lot of our year 9 students so it's not all bad! Here are some of the animations we created this term - unfortunately it's not all of them but you will be able to see how clever these guys are. These are all painted and animated by the students - for most of them it was their first time using paint.

Also, a selection of PowerPoints on the topic "ICT Technology . . . Skills Learnt".