Thursday, December 10, 2009

Showcase Portfolios

Throughout this year my Year 10 ICT class kept a 'Showcase Portfolio'. We set this up at the start of the year, and at the end of each term chose our best work to include in each category. Here is a small selection of our portfolios.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Lion King... :P

I did my story as a Photo Story because it was easy, quick and the computer I was on didn't have Windows Movie Maker. I did a redo of the Lion King because I used to watch it as a kid.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tessellations

Haydn's design was very original

Animated Stories

What we had to do was plan an animated story and develop it. The animated story had to be original, easy to read, and for ages 4-7. We had about four lessons to complete this task.
To see Matt's story click on the link below

The Lost Little Bear

For the last two weeks we have been creating our own animated stories. They had to be creative, original and suitable for 4-7 year olds to read.
To see Jesse's story click the link below.

Slimy Joe

More stories:

Baa Baa Brum Car (Alex)
Sir Quack (Daniel)
The Adventures of Roary (Haydn)
Five Little Hens (Jonathon)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Animating our Paintings

Here's the first offerings for the new year, from Year 9 at my new school.